Rabu, 30 Desember 2009


mampusss... y opo ikiii???? i cant make any decision. never. so???


Avatar 3D

Critanya tentang seorang mantan navy cacat yang pergi ke pandora gara2 nggantiin saudara kembarnya yang udah meninggal. Saudara kembar si Jake ini tuh seorang ilmuwan yang sedang mengadakan penelitian tentang negeri yang namanya Pandora. Untuk bisa pergi ke Pandora, manusia harus pake masker oksigen atau di'konversi' dulu ke wujud makhluk pandora. Jadi ada alatnya yg bisa bikin avatar dari wujud manusia ke wujud makhluk pandora.
Jadi critanya si Jake yang tujuan awalnya meneliti gimana sebenarnya kehidupan makhluk pandora, akhirnya malah punya keterikatan batin sama penduduk pandora. Padahal bangsa manusia punya rencana buat menghancurkan pandora. Nahh itu dia konfliknya...
Tonton sendiri ya kalo mau tau crita lengkapnya..

Keseluruhan critanya sih emang bagus, cuma kyknya agak sedikit berbau penghinaan terhadap ras manusia. Tapi point paling penting yang bikin film ini bagus adalah efek visualnya. Bener2 kereenn. Rugi banget kalo ga nonton film ini yang versi 3D -nya. Berasa pingin pergi ke Pandora (minus hewan2nya yang aneh2). Tapi sayangnya film 3D ini gak ada teksnya. Lumayan agak susah juga kalo ga terbiasa nonton film luar tanpa subtitle. Jadi kalo misalnya ga terlalu ngerti bahasa inggris mending nonton avatar yang versi biasa dulu baru nonton versi 3D nya.

Tapi sayangnya juga bioskop yang nayangin ini yang punya fasilitas 3D cuma XXI sutos aja. Jadi kalo mau nonton harus jauh2 ke sutos. Hahhaa that was my first experience going to the mall which using hours-parking. Jadi parkirnya jam2an gituuu. Kyk di Jakarta gituu. Trus mall-nya juga kereeennn banget desainnya. TP sebenere kan punya XXI juga tp kenapa ga ada 3D nya yaa???? Kan enak kalo bisa nonton di TP

Selasa, 29 Desember 2009


spending this whole day with my bestiee at surabaya city...hahhaahhaa sooo happyy..tired but soo worth it. watching avatar 3D at sutos. aahhahhaayy what an amazing movie. the effects was so awesome!!!! then having lunch at tp. biasa sambil ngobrolll..hehheehee...sangat menyenangkan. bintangnya 5 deh..hehheee

Senin, 28 Desember 2009


sakit. kepala pusing. tenggorokan sakit. batuk2 terus. hidung meler. dan kesepian. ga ada siapa2. what a good-hell combination. needing friends. muchhh. i should going to surabaya this morning. but my health not allow me to go there. i went to the doctor last saturday. hoping that i will get better soon. so i can going surabaya at monday. and...yeahh here i am. stupid doctor. why i am not feel better up until now?? hufffh.
i have try to call you last night. but you're not answer my call. whyy??? i have try many times. and still there was no answer. whyy? did you busy? did you not notice that i was calling?missing you.

Minggu, 27 Desember 2009


dunno, seems i will not go there tomorrow. my health is not good. still sick. i have trying to recover fastly, going to the doctor. but here i am, snoozing, coughing, and dizzy. hhmm...you just going there this noon. back to your hometown. what am i hoping for? you will stay here for a few days? going out to see 'the dreamers' here? hahhaahaa that's impossible. anyway, the doctor said that i have stomach problem called maag. hahhaahhaa..hard to believe hah? i am, the one who loves eating much. dunno.
honestly,,, i really want to see bang aril... but i just want to see it with you. but it's seems like impossible now. i guess you will not go back here for a lonnggg, very lonngg time. and my health just not in good condition. to visit you there. soooo.........

huffffhhhhh still thinking so darkk everywhereee... whyyy

Sabtu, 26 Desember 2009


still thinking that tomorrow is darkk, everywherrreeeeeee

hhmmm...my bestie is in town. doing some family things. dont have a plan to meet up with her. lupakanlah. besok dia jg sudah kembali. sooo darkkk, everywheree.
dunno, whether i'll go there or not on monday. there's always a change possibilities. of everything. yeeaahhh..just like my life. so darkk.

#tvxq number 1 againnn

ahhaahhaayyy... cassiopea and bigeast are awesome. proud of them. once more, happy 6th anniversary to tvxq. #tvxq being the number 1 of TT in 36 minutes! so awesomee...

Jumat, 25 Desember 2009

happy anniversary #tvxq!!!!

btw.. today is 6th anniversary of #tvxq. and all cassie n bigeast just having a tweet party for #tvxq. and yaayyy #tvxq is number 1 now . happy anniversary uri namja #tvxq. hope that next year we can do this again. my best wishes for #tvxq. always exist. make a good songs. and always handsome. hahhaahaa. may god bless all of you.
*uppss sorry not today if in my time, still 1 hour again, hehheee. that's use kst. but anyway hepi eniverseri yakkk

kumat IV

day ....... : hhhhuuuhhuuuhuuu feel unwanted and ignored alll the timee..huhuhuhuhuhu

ddaarrrkkkkk everywheerrreee


getir. everything is dark. not sure will go there in monday. feel unwanted.


affraid lost in time, left behind alone

Rabu, 23 Desember 2009

feeling II

dunno, really feel no good this night, is something happen? hope that this is one of my wrong feeling. i have to go sleep. tomorrow i will experience to adventuring alonee, good night. may God always bless and save us.


yeaahh really want to go there. still sick actually. but it doesn't matter. maybe tomorrow you can't meet up with me. but just as usual. enough for me if i can see the same sky as you do. or maybe tomorrow i'll be alone looking around itc. hhmmm not bad idea. go out in the morning and go home in the evening. just like playing around here. okayyy wait for me yaakkk, tomorrow i must have uri handsome hongkii...haghaghagh


pernah mengalami suatu perasaan ga enak scara tiba2 ga..orang bilang itu namanya firasat, dan believe or not, me, the one who is always unsensitive to everything, feel it. sering tiba2 ga ada angin ga ada ujan lgsg ga enak ati, dan percaya ato nggak, feeling itu sering bener kalo emg sedang terjadi sesuatu di belahan bumi lain. to my besttii. my feeling just accurate to my bessttii. sama kyk 1 jam yg lalu waktu tiba2 feel not good banget. pdhl lg enak2 nonton tipi ama mbentel. and then 5 menit ago she just tweeting that she is unhappy.

Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

kumat III

day 6 : find you everywhre..okay missing youu

Senin, 21 Desember 2009


the one that indicate that i'm lonely is write on this blog too often in one day.
like today.
uummmhhh...missing sum1. why she is disappear from twitter world. i find her everyhour this day. but she haven't been appear until now. her last tweet was in 17 december, thursday. and now already 21 december, monday...uhhhhh. but actually i'm sure that she still checking her twitter. she just dont write a tweets. so actually she read my tweets...
heelloowww so, she must read that i want to watch "sang pemimpi" much. and she must know that i will not watch it without her. but she was ignoring my tweets. uhhhhh...
actually i want to go to surabaya this day. but i postpone it. feeling so tired and think that i need take some rest this day. tomorrow is impossible to go, because tomorrow will be a busy day in my home. so i plan to go there in wednesday. besides that i want our friends to go with me. doing some adventure. i was tell them. but dont know whether they will go with me or not.
by the wayyy... i think we usually like this. nope. you usually like this. everytime you go home, you always ignoring me all the time. not call me. even not send me sms. even you became write in twitter rarely. always. that was always makes me affraid. that maybe something happen. but i'm not your boyfriend, i dont have any right to where you are, or what you do. and actually i'm also affraid that someday if this is always happens, we will lose our contact. busy with our own bussiness. and ignoring everything. sometimes, i try to call you. but you still ignoring me, often. so how can i communicate with you...
i'm in dilemma now, i want you to always here, but it is as strong as i want you to have a job, to have a better life. not like this. we're not doing anything all the day. so i used to let you go home, and live your life there. with your family. maybe you will get a thing there. and maybe you will be more useful there than here. still asked why both of us not take the next step to life. why both of us still stuck here. is it because of you? or because of me? or because of us?
i really have some feel of guilty to your family. that i dont bring a positive influence for you. that we still stuck here. uhhhh...



tiba-tiba ingat kalo kemarin baru dapat sms dari seorang 'teman' , gini ni smsnya :

G sngja q menemukan selembar kertas yg prnh qta tulis2 sewaktu kuliah dulu.. ha9 so sweet bgt, 2006. trutama di bag ini :
Aq : sptx q bkn diriq, bgmn jk aq brbh, apkh km jg akan berubah dalam memperlakukanku sbg seorang sahabat?
Km : y ga lah, aneh2 ae, qt wes satu paket, apapun dirimu apik eleke

kok panjang y dadi males nulisnya, intinya ga penting kalo ada seseorang yang menanyakan itu. seseorang yang sebenarnya sudah lama hilang. dan itupun sebenarnya dia sendiri yang "membuang" kita. kenapa hal itu jadi ditanyakan seolah2 kita yang "membuang" dia. semuanya ga akan berubah dan jadi seperti ini kalo dia ga melakukan hal itu. dia yang menyebut dirinya "sahabat". trus dimana dia waktu "sahabat"nya kesulitan. apa itu yg namanya sahabat. berteman aja ga gitu caranya, apalagi bersahabat. hari2 itu adlh hari2 paling menyedihkan dalam 4,5 tahun kuliah. dan dia yang seharusnya bisa jadi "sahabat" yg baik, malah ikut jd musuh. it's weird. why now when she is left by others, she finds us. her old friend that she was throw away at that time. so ironic. i will consistent with my words that day if she is consistent with our friendship. she will never know how hurt it was. seeing our beloved friend ruin. without anyone stay beside her. she is, the one that i hope will bring a better condition, even leave her, for new friends. hahhh..so now you call yourself bestfriend? hellooowww
you just can ask to other friends that i really consistent with my word. i will accepted every good and every worst of my friends. as long as they're not betray our friendship. it's really doesn't matter. but you was do that. finish. maybe i can forgive you for everything you did that time. but everything will not stay the same before you did it. just like now. i try to always behaved you well. but everything will not same anymore. so, please dont ask why everything changed. because you're the causes. for now, please, let us to life peacefully. we are not connected in any situation. you are still my friend of course. there will be no ex-friend. but please dont hope everything like in the past. let just do our life by ourself.


entahlah mau nulis apa, kebiasaan nulis disini kl lg bete, boring, dan ga tau harus ngapain.
banyak juga sih yg bisa dikerjain, tp males ngerjain apa2, bosen.
cuma itu2 aja. ga ada tantangana. lg ngapain sih sebenernya ak ini.
eemmm... actually a little bit feeling guilty. that maybe my step influence other people's life. but i realize that my life is also influence by the other. i can't take next step because something that i can't lose off. pingin lari2 (dalam arti yg sesungguhnya). ngrasa badan ini berat bangett. kebanyakan tidur. bangun nonton tv makan tidur bangun nonton tv makan internetan. dan ngantuk lagi. pusing. trus?

kumat II

day 5 : eeemmmm...begin to feel lonely...and weird

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009


day 1 : it's really doesn't matter, everything will stay the same. lalalalallaaa...
day 2 : visiting friends with some highschool friends. really exciting.
day 3 : hanging out with our friend. quite relaxing and entertaining.hmm...
day 4 : hanging out againn. emmm...but....okayyy... little bit missing you

Kamis, 10 Desember 2009


world is fulfill with changing. wind of change is really blow everywhere. hhhmmm hoping that i can be a flexible person. but it's really hard.

Kamis, 03 Desember 2009


why all the people looks happy this day, and i'm nottt, hhhhhhh.... envy them...
having a feel that i dont have anyone besides me. i got dumped all the time. no one cares for me. no one stays beside me. no one to hear my whimper. no one to be a shoulder to cry on. no one to talk. alone all the time. just like missed the time. everything move and i just left here. without no one knows that i still left behind. heiyyy people.. please look at me. please dont let me here alone. i need somebody to talk. somebody to hold my hand through the day. feeling lonelyy. much.

bad mood


hate this part

benci ngrasa ga berdaya, but it can't help.... huhuhuhuhuhu, cant imagine my life later....huhuhuhuhu

Rabu, 02 Desember 2009


capek maen kejar2an, yang dikejar pun mungkin juga lebih capek

missing sum1

missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1. missing sum1.


merasa sedikit khawatir, waeyooo

Selasa, 01 Desember 2009

being dumped

it is really doesnt matter if i got dumped. as long as it is not my bestiee.
sometimes, i feel like unwanted when i called someone and she just not enthusiasm.
maybe, it's just my negative thinking. dunno. there are many things that fulfill my brain. dont want to think too far. but i can't handle it. some unimportant thing maybe, like how can't i stand by myself later, how is family of bestiiees think of me, did i bring negative effect for my bestieess, did i hold my bestiieess too tight, did my bestiees bored with me, did i use for her, and so many questions around my head.
i want to be like momo... always hearing and makes others happy without saying a word. just want to be an ears to another. momo makes people feel comfort. like i always want.

Sabtu, 28 November 2009

no good

i guess i'm just no good without you. i have realize it. weird for me that i'm, the one who always stand by myself, got this serious addiction.

Selasa, 24 November 2009

sad day

maybe i hold you too tight. feel a little bit sad knowing that my position stuck
i never reach you. i thought you know exactly 'bout my dirty feeling. fell a little bit unused too. never have a good way of thinking. never do the efficient things. am i that fool???
sometimes i want to release our entwined slowly. but i can't. you know i can't smile without you. can't sing and i can't breath. finding it hard to do anything.

Jumat, 13 November 2009

about destiny

maybe it was a destiny that we met in such situation. maybe it was destiny that i just felt click with you. or maybe it was just destiny that we always together from that time until now. maybe it is destiny that we always have different way to think. to face the life. i just love the difference. it makes us complete. up to now, actually still wondering that we have been here for that period time. is it a destiny?
so, will destiny makes us far apart too? dont know. seems like you are in your hardest days of your life. to make a choice. just make a better one... which can bring you happiness. put your head up, and walk bravely. everything will be okay. like i always say that i cant be your flame. never. but i will try to support you sincerely with everything i have.
i know this is the time of your life. this is the time to be more than a name. just face it. and try to walk on.

Senin, 09 November 2009

too far to reach too high to climb

mola.... dont want to think anything
mola mola mola mola mola...
if you're gone.....................
....beri sedikit waktu agar kuterbiasa bernafas tanpamu

Selasa, 27 Oktober 2009

no idea (sudoku)

dont have any idea to write here. lemme think....
hmmm..okay lets talk about my new hobby, playing sudoku. haghaghag, my friend say that my excitement to play sudoku is late. i just read tips to play sudoku. so i practice it and i became addicted to play sudoku. makes me want to have another cookies like tika's. hump hump..and i am downloading sudoku for pc now.. but always failed..weyooo...huhuhuhuhuhuhuhhh

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

monday morning

i dont know why suddenly i'm not in good mood today...
i hate monday
wake up this morning and feel tired. so lazy to wake up. but i think that maybe it'll be a bright day. meet some friends and if i'm lucky, it will be window shopping and lunch session. will love it much. so i have more spirit to do this day. then i start this day, turn on my toshipi and downloading all my luphly friend ask. just want to make her happy actually. staying on bed waiting the downloads finished, and update status on twitter. and then suddenly, i just wanna cry...dunno.
i just want to alone. and feel that maybe i dont want to meet any people. want to walk around by my self. and make my self happier.

ok... i just decided to take a bath, and maybe i will go somewhere. just think that no good if i just stay here.

Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009

the earth is getting old

damn...so hottt out there
is it the sign of global warming issue??my beloved city is not supposed to be this damn hottiee..
maybe one thing causes this damn hottie is me..heheheh, okey sin confession:
1. i used to throw away waste everywhere
2. i'm so lazy to find the recycle bin, even that just few meters
3. i used to whimpering all the time if my friends reminds me that i must throw it in recycle bin (hohohoho, gomen amigooo)
4. i usually use paper lavishly, as long as i need, i always use a new paper
5. i usually forget to take off my handphone charge
sooo many thing i do that makes our earth getting old...feel so sorry about it..

Sabtu, 26 September 2009

what am i waiting for?????????

Rabu, 23 September 2009


just feel that maybe something happen in other part of earth

Senin, 21 September 2009

7 of 10

sometimes i think that 7 of 10 my feelin' are true. but maybe it's just valid for certain happening.

Minggu, 20 September 2009


hummphh...feeling little bit worry, nope, very worry about next life
so, how's life actually???is it daijo

waiting for sumthing

where destiny will bring us.....
hoping for the best that we will reach up

Jumat, 18 September 2009

where my life goes

humphhhh....dunno what to do with my life. seems like i have mellow-think these days. desperate

perahu kertas

pingin baca......habis mbaca coment orang2 di twitter ttg perahu kertas. hampir smuanya bilang itu bagus dan bikin pingin nangis. jadi pingin baca.

Kamis, 17 September 2009


i do a loser. God knows it. maybe that's why God just make me still here. to face the reality. to face the way of life. i want to run away. but i cant. no other way. just face it.

huhuhuhu....wae...wanna cry

i want to live my life heartedfully, easy-minded, and full it with laugh. i want to out from this childish think. i want to out from this way and make a better one life.
nope, i supposed to be happy with my life. i supposed thanks to God for every gift given to me.
but i still wanna cry......wae.........

Senin, 14 September 2009

my objective

dont you know my final goal????
still dont know, how to reach my goal
which way i must through on
still not decided yet that way
may it need a really long way to go there?

Jumat, 11 September 2009

dont love

i should go, i should hurry up and go
beacause my stubbornnes will turns to tears
i should hurry so i wont see you left behind
a bit faster, i should hurry and go
its hard even just one step forward
so i just stand crying with my back on you
dont love. good bye will always come

my precious

you just never know how precious you are

Rabu, 09 September 2009


if someone ask about how's my life going, i will say dunno
humph....everything seems not going well
i'm affraid
affraid that i'm going on something empty

seems that i should learn a lot about sincerity

Selasa, 08 September 2009


hmmmmhhh....always ignored
see me juseyo.....

you say i'm cheapy-girl

hohohoho...yes i do
i do mad this day
i do tired this day
and i do to ignored everything tomorrow
huh, just my wish,
i'm sure that everything will be normal like usual
as i do before
even no need to persuase me to come back

this late night

dont know why, i just can't sleep
thinking about this day, nothing important actually
just decided one important thing this day, that may changes my life
nope, keep my life in the way i choosed

life is a choice, huh
i just cant loose our entwined hands, i cant
humph humph...

Senin, 29 Juni 2009

avril says........

I always needed time on my own
I never thought I'd need you there when I cry
And the days feel like years when I'm alone
And the bed where you lie is made up on your side

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

When you're gone
The pieces of my heart are missing you
When you're gone
The face I came to know is missing too
When you're gone
The words I need to hear to always get me through the day and make it ok
I miss you

I've never felt this way before
Everything that I do reminds me of you
And the clothes you left, they lie on the floor
And they smell just like you, I love the things that you do

When you walk away I count the steps that you take
Do you see how much I need you right now

We were made for each other
Out here forever
I know we were, yeah
All I ever wanted was for you to know
Everything I'd do, I'd give my heart and soul
I can hardly breathe I need to feel you here with me

Kamis, 25 Juni 2009


i used to ignored by my friends. actually it really doesn't matter.
it doesn't matter if someone not really important ignoring me.
some old friends or ordinary friends.
but sometimes, it really hurt, no i mean it really totally makes me dissappointed maybe, when some persons do that to me.
sometimes, it's just give the sad effect , and makes me feel loneliness.

Rabu, 24 Juni 2009

tentang semua yang hilang (2)

if i get a chance to back to the past
will i take it?
no, i won't

Selasa, 16 Juni 2009

about loneliness

sometimes i feel like no one besides me

Minggu, 14 Juni 2009

they are who left

One by one, they left, until i stand here alone. Maybe it’s enough to have some closed people in our life. But sometimes I feel so lonely, that everyone who had closed to me, are left me behind. They walk. And they don’t ever turn back to look at me, that I still left behind. Maybe it’s my choice to always here and don’t go anywhere. There always something to keep up holding me here. Something precious that I decide to always hold it and never let it lost from my sight. I say sight not touch, because actually I never really hold it in my touch. Maybe sounds like, why I keep that so much if I can’t touch it. But I do need it, although I just can see it. Or maybe all that reason is just artificial reason pretending that I just left by them because of it. Actually I really don’t know why they left me behind and why I just still here. Or maybe I just let them to left me behind.

Sometimes I thought, how many people come and go in my life. I never counted it. But I’m sure that it was too many. That’s why I always afraid that someday I will have no one. Why I let them lost, I never know. Some case, they just lost from my sight for a moment and they never comeback again. And I never chased them and asked them to stay. Although they are my beloved. I will trying to keep them stay but finally I let them lost. And sometimes when I remembered them, I regret it to let them go easily. Another case, suddenly they left, and I just let them go, without any trying to chase them. It also makes me regret when I remembered them.

Looks like that I always regretting in my way of life. But believe me, having here now, will not makes me regret it someday. Because it’s a consequence of choosing. And actually it’s a gift that I must thanks to God. It’s not always happy here, but that’s life. I must face it wheter it full of happiness or not.

Selasa, 09 Juni 2009

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